t r e a t i s e ~

Monday, April 18


Yesterday, around 10pm he text me " syg, nti pkul 11 b amk ek :) " and i said oke ! then at 11pm i saw his car was already waited for me. i opened the door and said hi bee ! he juz smile and it was like wanna took sumthing from his right, jengg a roses for me ! he said for you sayang and i juz too much blushing at the time and said ' alaa sweetnye thanks bebe ' ;))

him : okay awk ckp je nk mam ape, mlm nie sy blnja
me : em bukan ke dh mmg slalu awk yg blnja sy, hee
him : yelaa, mlm nie awk ckp je nk mam kt mne, sy bwk awk
me : selama nie pon sy yg decide nk mam kt mne, sume awk bwk, ngee
him : eshh dye nie
me : oke jom bora-bora. nak ?
him : oke bebe
me : :))

then we went to the bora-bora western bistro. my menu still the same one, kuey tiaw tomyam, haha and he enjoyed his favourite dish, lamb chop black pper sauce. looks like so yummy2 but when the first time i tasted it, it was like euwww, hehe. it was so happy that night being spend time with the person i love most. but bee, you still my third lover after mom and dad. yeahh you already know that rytee :)) hehe